Protect your blogger Images from copied

               Protect your blogger Images from copied 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Are you knowing that your image are been copied or hacked by other bloggers. When you have an well written and popular post on your blog definately many of the bloggers want to use that on their own blog and they will write sometimes full post themself but the main thing is that they would be copying your images URL.

How to protect your images from copied?
  1. Sign in to your blogger dashboard.
  2. Now start writting your new post in blogger.
  3. Upload your image in blogger.
  4. Now copy the URL of your uploaded URL.
  5. And delete the image from your blog.
  6. Now move to Html tab in that post and copy the below code.
  7. Replace red colour part with that image url you copied.
  8. And now no one will be able to copy your image.

<img src="Place image URL Here" /><img border="0" src="" alt="NetOops protected image" width="200" height="200" style="left: 0px; opacity: 0; position: relative; top: -216px;" />

Now your images are safe and they would be not getting copied by any of the other bloggers. So, without any tension upload your images safely.

.. NetOops protected image
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