TypingMaster Pro 7.1.0 Build 808 With Key

        TypingMaster Pro 7.1.0 Build 808 With Key - Full Version

TypingMaster Pro's complete typing curriculum leads students step-by-step to fluent error-free typing. After learning the correct technique and using it in real life, students will typically type 3-5 times faster with over 98% accuracy.

Features of This Software :
Multi-form exercises
Keyboard drills, review exercises, typing tests and games provide optimal support for every phase of learning and keep students engaged.
Instant feedback and statistics
Immediate feedback and illustrated long-term statistics make it easy to follow progress, keeping student's motivation high.
Dynamic review exercises 
TypingMaster analyses each user's typing while working through the course and creates a fully tailored review exercises for each individual student's needs.
Additional courses
TypingMaster features additional courses for number row, speed building, special marks and the numeric keypad.
Extra practice 
Offer extra practice to advanced students with typing games and targeted review exercises.

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