3) Writing the researched data into a well-formatted post: top 10 tricks for high quality posts

While all the researched data are valuable, it isn’t actually needed as it is. They will scare your readers away and moreover raw data is useless unless it is meaningfully processed. So follow these tips to get your writing to the next level.
a) Start with a fact, an intriguing question or a positive hope:
Kindling the hope of something good in the reader’s mind can keep him stuck to your post till the end. Facts will help you catch the attention of the reader. While a good hope kindling opening paragraph like the below might get all the positive attention of the reader.
“So, how much did your fruit orchard yield this summer? What if I told you can earn threefold with that much fertilizer and half the labor done? Recent developments in machinery farming equipment have really made farming a single man’s quest.”
As you will notice I started by giving them the hope of earning 3X which is very positive and the reader will surely read further to know how.
b) Do not limit yourself to one-dimensional reader:
In that above paragraph, I started by asking a question to my readers (agriculture or big orchard owners) on the earnings on their farm this year. I never said or gave them a finite number. If I would have said, “I hope you earned above 50$” it would have been a finite question whereas many who earned more or less than that would not read my post further.
Secondly, I did not lure them saying you can make 500$ (again a finite number) more from your farm. I said they can earn three times more which indicates it can be 150$ for someone who earned 50$ and 3000$ for someone who earned 1000$ from their orchards.
This is how I made my content appeal everyone.
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