5 Lesser Known On-Page SEO Optimization Techniques in September 2016

What does On-page Optimization actually means in easier terms?
“Anything that you do on a web page/website using White-hat SEO that directly (or indirectly) increases SERP is called On-page Optimization.”
You might have already read about:
  • improvising meta tags/description
  • responsive design
  • faster loading webpage speed
  • effective keyword density
  • shorter and easy URLs
  • proper image optimization
  • header tags
  • Internal linking
and lot of other things about On-page Optimization Techniques and they are crucial and go a long way in optimizing a web page to rank high on Google.
But there are few more On-page SEO techniques that are not very well known. These things are lesser known but still can have a huge impact on your organic rankings.
So should we start? Here we go:

Number 5 – Embed Interesting Content Related Videos​
Videos are an easy way for any human to understand something. Human mind is wired to remember visual information more effectively compared to text.
Now the question would arise in your mind like how is embedding video in an article help in On-page Optimization, isn’t it?​
You can add an image and put keywords in its alt tag and increase keyword density but what can you possibly do to an embedded video?
Well! The answer is NOTHING.
We all know that Google records every piece of information about the user. Information like IP addresses, country, browser, a position at which the mouse pointer is kept or moving on a webpage, how much time he spends on a website and a lot of others.
The indirect answer lies in the above lines, and that is the time a user spends on awebpage/website.
In Example #1, suppose you write a 1000 words article, 100 readers visit that article and read it for 2 minutes each. This tells us that the average time spent by a reader on that web page/article is 2 minutes.
Now read attentively…​
in Example #2 if you embed a 3-minute video in that 1000 words article. 10 users (out of 100) watch that video for about 2 minutes. All 100 readers spend 2 minutes each to read that 1000 words article and then exit. So now what is the average time spend by a reader on that particular webpage which has a video embedded in it?
“(4 X 10) + (2 X 90)/100 = 2.2 minutes”​
Google gives a lot of importance to websites on which user spends the most time and then eventually rank that site higher in SERP. Embedding a video increases the average time spend by a reader on a blog and does give it a natural and pure white hat SERP boost.
After you finish writing an article and just when you’re about to hit the ‘Publish’ button, do check on Youtube or any other popular video site for an interesting video directly related to your content. If you wrote a List of Top 5 Smartphones, it’s recommended to embed review videos of all those 5 Smartphones. This will not only increase the average time spent by a user on your web page but also make it look more lucrative.
I know you would be having some doubts regarding this part, I do request you to first leave a comment below (because we tend to forget our queries later) and then continue reading the next phase of this blog post.
Moving on… Go to next post on this topic
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